Saturday, February 8, 2014

Too early for fishing in the toilet...

So last night I was rereading my blog because I like to see how many grammar errors I've made (many), and see if I missed something. I was tossing and turning last night and when I woke up this morning I realized that I did. I forgot to mention that my husband is better than any fake Jim Halpert, Ryan Gosling, and Cory.

He's the real deal.

Since the start of our relationship, he's just been the most sweetest, romantic, adorable guy ever. He's done so many things that people who write about romantic and sweet guys, wish they would have thought of. The man never ceases to surprise me. I truly know that I'm on his mind 24/7...along with the Blackhawks. :)

Anywho, moving on to the next TWO points from "50 and counting.."

"2. Forgive.
Didn’t Jesus say something about forgiving someone not just seven times but seventy times seven? That would be 490 times….which should last you through your first 6 months. Jesus underestimated because, remember, he wasn’t married.

3. And forget.
If you forgive but don’t forget, did you really forgive? I know people who claim to have forgiven but still use every available opportunity to bring it up. And if you don’t want to forgive, forgetting works just as well."

I can't count how many things I've done and said to him that didn't piss him off and royally hurt him. I can get mad sometimes and Iovan could be standing in the line of fire and he does not escape my wrath. Though, time and time again has shown how forgiving he has been. 

But you know that saying "I can forgive but I'll never forget", well you're not really 100% forgiving. So when you forgive someone, make sure that in your heart and mind you forget. Forget because it will bring peace to you and into your relationship. It's the only way.

 You have no idea how many couples have said this to me when they talk to me about their problems. It confuses me. They are not progressing, they stay stuck in a rut, or in a vicious cycle. They'll be like "Oh I forgive them, but I can't forget. So I'm allowed to do this because they did this to me and if they say something, I'll just remind them what they did to me."

I hope you get what I just said on that last part of the paragraph. Lol.

So don't just forgive, but also forget. Forget what you're forgiving them for. It's the only way to move forward. I think this applies to everyday life situations. Friends, family, and co-workers.

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