Thursday, February 6, 2014

I had two glasses of proseco fall on me, but this has nothing to do with it.

So many things to say about this Wednesday, but the right words don't come across my mind though. Does that make sense? I don't know. I almost want to say my emotions get heightened when I start reading a book. It's the most extraordinary and weirdest feeling to have. You are living in two worlds at the same time and both worlds pull so many emotions out of you. I'm not making any sense though, it's 11 pm and I should be in bed right now and I'm not. I'm on the train bc I just got off from work. Right now, I'm feeling blessed, sad, relieved, excited, anxious, avid, creative, exhausted....I can go on forever. I'm also feeling forgiving.

I'm an adult and for a while now I have been looking back in the past and just realizing how many stupid fights, arguments and silent treatments I've had for honestly the dumbest reasons. Because any reason to be mad is dumb. There, I said it. Well ok, there are some extreme exceptions but other than that....just dumb. Someone bad mouthed you, dumb. Someone excluded you, dumb. Someone tried to steal something,  dumb dumb and dumb.

Anywho, that's my Wednesday night in a nutshell. Still fighting the sore throat fight. Phlegm is winning. It's ok though, doesn't seem to be lasting that much longer. I think one more night of medicine and I shall be good. By the way: Hi, I'm 26 years old and I still hate liquid medicine. Yuuuuuuck. Blech! Vomit!

So someone posted this relationship link on Facebook today and I shared it on my profile bc I thought this really hit the nail on the head but I wanted to just kinda add more of my commentary... I think I'll do a "50 and counting"

So the link is about 50 things that will help your relationship and the first one the posted was so good. So I just wanted to babble some more about it, I've put on some AVB on my iPod and I just feel like writing so here it goes.

The first one is called

"1. Burn your blueprint.

Rid yourself of whatever fantasies you harbor about the bliss of coupled life. They’re not helping. There is no script, so don’t be disappointed when your fairytale gets hijacked."

Can we just agree to this? Don't get me wrong, I'm one of those suckers that watches The Office and looks at Jim and Pam, then I'll turn to Iovan and be like "why can't you be more like halpbert?!?!" Or I'll watch The Notebook by myself and text Iovan "why can't you write me 365 love letters?!?!" And so on.

The ideas movies and shows put in our heads are so unrealistic that when you head into a relationship with this notion of finally meeting Prince Charming or the cool, hip, "she's into threesomes" girl, you set your relationship up for fail. Everything in that screen is a lie. So the faster you finally figure out you and your lover are not Cory and Topanga, or Mickey and Minnie Mouse, the better.

But I'm not trying to turn this into a negative.

Your husband or wife has flaws but it is your job, and your job only, to always find the good things about them. Always. Even when your mad.

They are better than any tv character. They are real and they married you.

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