Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Puppy love

Project M:
Day 4,

  I can't believe that it's been 6 years since my puppy has been born. Late last night while laying on our bed, I was craving to see some pictures of my Duch and I stalked my husbands facebook albums. He has so many pictures of her and I immediately regretted searching them up.

   She looked so young, of course, but as I looked back, I couldn't exactly remember what we were doing in that specific moment when I took that picture. Where had time gone? My baby girl so adventurous and a ball full of mischief. She has given me so many years already and I wish I could relieve them again and again and again. 

   Looking at her now, as she is laying on her bed and snoring like a sailor, her features have roughned up. Her muzzle full of grays and lips hanging more than usual. I can't bear the thought when that's all she will want to do. Just lay in bed and sleep and not be bothered bc her joints hurt and she doesn't want/can't move. Right now, she still has that puppy energy. She wags her tail as soon as she hears me shuffling around the bed in the morning. She waits impatiently by the door for her morning walk. I never want that to go. I never for one second want to see her shrug off the notion of an afternoon walk. I love her so. I will miss her so. 

Today, I loved her little bark at me as I was shredding cooked chicken. She wanted that chicken so badly.

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