Wednesday, February 12, 2014

It's hump day.

There is not enough lotion in this world. My hands are rougher than a construction worker. Darn you winter. Darn you.

Anywho, moving on to another important point, I give you number 4

"Be a good teammate.

Life can come at you hard. One of the nice things about marriage and relationships is being able to have someone else in the bunker when you’re getting shelled."

This is true all around. Iovan and I have had some bumps down the road (I'm not talking about in our relationship but around it) and it felt so good to have the kind of support your partner in life can only give you. Of course, you have family and friends that will always be there for you but nothing compares to the relief and love you receive from your loved one.

The only thing your partner wants is for you to be there. Just there. They will be honest with you and tell you to just hold their hand or to just hug them. They won't need a cheer, they won't need advice, sometimes they just want you to be near.


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