Monday, January 2, 2012


Another year, another day, and patiently awaiting the memories that I will cherish.

Iovan and I took Duchess back to his house. She's adorable and I love her. She met Xavier, Iovan's nephew, for the first time, and I'm impressed at how well she reacted to a little 1 year old.

She's a good puppy.

Today, kitty dug her nail deep in my finger and it hurt like hell. I want to hurt kitty so bad but I love that damn fur ball too much to actually do any harm to him. He's gonna pay for it some way. DECLAWED!

So new year resolutions is to make a resolution every day and have accomplished it. Nothing like starting fresh every day and remembering that nothing is impossible but possibly hard and positively attainable.

Goodnight, tomorrow I must start work after a four day vacation. Ouch. Must remember not to vacation for too long. Must do it often but not for too long.

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