Monday, January 23, 2012

Sister Sister

I often think how horrible it must be to be an only child because you don't get to talk to anyone when you don't agree with your parents or you are having problems with something random or want to borrow clothes. But then I look at myself and how I have sisters and how probably it's not that horrible to be an only child.

Example A:

Mom is picking me up from work and my sister is in the car with her.

Me: Hi mom. Hi Belen.

Mom: Hi my love.

Belen: Hey.

One second of silence:

Belen: Hey Marce, so we were watching home videos today.

Me: Uh huh.

Belen: and seriously, I think there should have been a law against those things you called "eyebrows".


Example B:

Me changing in my room and Diana and Belen are on my bed talking about their lives...

Me: Turn around I need to change.

Them: Yuck.

Me finishing putting on my underwear and they open their eyes. I turn around and Diana practically screams out the following.

Diana: Eww, you have cellulite.

Double Ouch.

Example....ah, you get the point.

Nevertheless, If I didn't have them, they would not have provided these chuckle moments.

Lessons to be learned from these examples:

1. Burn all videos of your childhood.
2. Lock the door to your room and bathroom.

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