Tuesday, January 17, 2012


2012, why you no want to open up your arms to me? That's how I felt about the new year but now I don't care. The beginning of this year has been not so easy to tell you the truth but it's all about trying to find the silver lining.

It began with a close friend's family emergency.

Then it was starting on the wrong foot this school semester. (I read the schedule wrong.)

Then it was my boyfriend's car accident. Yes, car accident. Car = totaled. Him = totally fine.

To tell you the truth, that day is a blur to me. I hated so much that he had to go through that but I'm so grateful to have him get out of that without one scratch. Thank you God. Thank you seat belts. Thank you air bags. AND thank you car insurance for giving him a nice check on that car. Ca-ching. Phew!

Yes, it was a minor setback for him but I am sure that everything happens for the best and today, he is a proud owner of 2012 Camry. His dream car.

But me and my silliness with the school schedule.....Ay yai yai yai yai...

You know when you see something and your mind switches letters and numbers, that's me. Is that dyslexia? Yea, I think I have that.

Then there are these houses catching fire. I'm just happy that none of the families were hurt.

Lessons to be learned:

  1. Materials, Ex: Car, House, etc.... do not matter as long as the people that make you smile are perfectly fine. 
  2. Have good car insurance. 
  3. Double check  Triple check EVERYTHING. 
  4. Reassure everyone who is a having a hard time that everything is OK and is going to be OK.
  5. Be thankful every day. Every day.

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