Wednesday, January 25, 2012

January 24, 2011

A beautiful little angel was born on January 24, 2011.

I met her today and as I held her, I thought to myself "Look at this little creature, with no worries in the world, she has no thoughts about anything. I wonder if she dreams of colors? Does she dream? She hasn't really used her eyes so how can she possibly dream about a thing?"

Isn't it amazing how a little human being that has taken shelter in a woman's womb for nine months all of a sudden starts living a whole different life once out of that little warm home.

A year from now, she'll be able to see her momma and poppa.

Two years from now, she'll be walking and asking for things and maybe saying more than just ma, da, or wua wua.

Three years from now, she'll be running with the rest of the kids and making friends.

Four years from now, she'll be ready for another chapter. Kindergarten.

Then.......endless possibilities.

But for now, she laid all snuggly between my two arms, making little baby noises and smelling like the most delicious of deliciousness. For now her life was simple, quietly simple and making people love her with her coo's.

Oh and her name is Luz, which means light. How fitting is that? Beautiful little Luz...

Little angel, sweet little angel...I hope you are blessed with a beautiful life.

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