Tuesday, January 3, 2012

3 years ago yesterday....

I met a little angel that I hold so dear to my heart. She is hairy, has four paws, and she greets me with a lick.


Oh how I adore her, I can't get enough of her and I love how she loves me too. I know it.

Three years of

Knocked over things.
Puppy eyes.
Whimpers when she has nightmares.
Deadly farts.
Unrealistic tug-of-war games.
Mornings with her butt on my face.
Mornings with her farting on my face.
Worried eyes when I start coughing uncontrollably.
Patient days of her waiting for me to walk her.
Happy barks.
Chewed up 90 dollars strappy shoes. Once. But once is enough.
100 bones.
1,000 treats.
10,000 pictures.
Nights of unexpected diarrhea.
Nights of heating me up during cold winter nights.
Summer days where all you hear is her pants.
Greetings at 3 a.m. at night.

Dear God, give me more of those. I'd like to keep her forever and three more years. ♥♥♥

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