Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Oh geez, here I went again and totally forgot about you blog, I'm sorry. It's not you, it's me. :)

Life has just been a little bit out of the loop but thank God it was. It reminds me that I'm alive. I love that life isn't perfect because if it was there would be no compassion, love, the great feeling you have have after accepting that you can't control everything. I love that life can make you question things that SHOULD be questioned so that you can have a better understanding of what is out there, of what you want that's out there, of who you want to be.

I've been missing from this blog world for a bit because you know, I have life. Just saying. Hahaha. Don't get me wrong, I love to write because it inspires me and gives me ideas and good feelings inside and it reminds me that I'm a wise girl ...at times.

I've learning a couple of things while I've been away on holiday from blogging.

1) Biology, Anatomy and Physiology is crazy hard and yet I love to feel pushed to LEARN something new.

2) Little pieces of jewelry makes me happy. Bought a little gold necklace with a white flower in the middle for $3.80 at Forever 21. Makes me smile every time I see it sitting so peacefully on my chest.

3) I love how fast paced my job can be. Greeted and assigned 120 people to tables in the matter of 15 minutes. Booyah.

4) When I don't feel like I'm in a very good mood, I answer the work phone a little groggy but there is always that one person that sounds like their morning started off right. At times it can be annoying because I'm like "Geez, did birds come to your window and sang you a happy song and dressed you up?" but it still rubs off on me! Never fails.

5) I love making my boyfriend laugh. I feel so fucking happy that I want to just explode confetti out of my ears and nostrils and he has no idea.

6) I apparently like making lists. Meh. :)

7) Even though you go giddy over certain days, events, and plans....life is all about the little things that make you happy that helps your life make it bigger and better.

Never forget about the little things that make you smile. Be it a son holding on to a mother's hand, a joke your friend told you, the words "I love you" that come from your loved ones, the small ray of sunshine that pushes itself through the blinds and into your room so that it can reach you....it's the little things. Always.

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