Monday, September 12, 2011

Mommy dearest..

Today, a beautiful woman has turned 48 and she doesn't look a day over 30. I'm serious. This extraordinary woman has four children (ALL WOMEN!), one dog, a cat, and Mexican husband that can sometimes drive her up the wall and I have yet to see a wrinkle on her face. She has a job outside her house and she starts another shift as soon as she comes in the doors of her house. "MOM! I can't find my bra!" "MOM! I'm gonna be late to work, can you give me a ride to the train station?!" "MOM! I'm hungry! there is nothing to eat at the house." "MOM!....MOM!....MOM!....MOMMY!"

I don't know how that poor woman does it but she does and I love her because she shows me that nothing is impossible. I love my mom and if she lived to be 100 years old...I still would not be able to repay everything that she has done for me. God has blessed me with a beautiful mother that has patience when I have none for her. God has blessed me with a cheerleader when I cover my ears so that I can drown her out. God has blessed me with a woman that has nothing but love and I'm here barely realizing that all she has done has been for us...and there is no time for her. I love her. I love her. I love her.

I hope God blesses me a hundred years more with her. Happy birthday mother of mine, you deserve so much and more.  ♥♥♥

I love when my mom laughs at my jokes. I love when my mom says the right things about self empowerment (which is all the time). I love that my never lets anyone put her down. I love when my mom says a swear word in english. I love when my mom says that I'm really beautiful and that she doesn't just say it because I'm her daughter. I love when my mom lets Duchess on her bed even though she says we shouldn't. I love when my mom talks to our pets like they are her own children. I love that my mom thinks of others who are in worse conditions than her. I love that my mom loves matter what, especially me, her daughter from hell. I love my mom.

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