Monday, September 5, 2011

September, I member...

I don't love to complain...but I do it like a BOSS. It makes me mad that I don't seem to let things go as easily as I could. I do do it, eventually, but I would seriously want to be like "Ouch, that person just gave me the stink eye (dot) (dot) (dot) I'm over it." Hahaha. I'm gonna work on that. I will send two extra smiles to that person. But the thing I wanted to complain about was school. I love school don't get me wrong...but I dislike CHEMISTRY! Blah! I've forgotten how hard it is to read a biology book. This is me.

"The aerobic movement...yada yada yada called the cellular respiration".....

"CRAP! What did I just read?"

"The aerobic yada yada yada yada respiration"

"Damn it! Again!

"The aerobic movement yada yada yada....ah, screw it." (Close book and takes nap) Grr

*Cute moment of the day: My sister came in one of those times when I dozed off with the book still open. She called out my name to see if I was awake and she saw that I was not responding (I was awake, too lazy to respond). She put the book away and covered me up with the comforter. I love her. :)

Fall weather seems to have come just in time. I love sweater weather! Say that ten times... my sister couldn't even say it once "sweader weader."← hahaha, that was Diana.

Took a picture of my puppy. I need to stop calling her that, she's about to be three. (GAH! Must think of what I must get her! October 15 is just next month!)

I love you...I hope you read this. The world would not be the same without  you.

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