Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Dogs are a girl best friend..

I love pictures, and lately I've been posting a lot of funny kitty pictures but I can't help it that I think they are so adorable. So I came across some puppy pics and I think my life just got a little sunnier...

happy dog equals messy house.

I wondered who he surrendered to in his dream..

So apparently someone started the fight, now I'm trying to figure out if it was the blinds or the dog...I'm gonna go with the blinds.

Come and get the bacon!

I wish I could have done this to baby Duchess when she was little!

Puppy Photobooth!!!

Hey guys, can you scoot over? :)

You say animal cruelty, I say living the life..

Happy family pic! :)

 Who says our pets never learn anything from us. :)

Umm, I think you might have opened your mouth a bit too much there. :)

Sweet dreams everyone!

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