Something was off today. It all started when I was walking to work in the morning. Every time my sister works at the same time I do, I get off at the stop she gets off, which is only one before mine. So I was walking and I don't know why I got this sudden urge to look up but I was looking up at the buildings and all of a sudden I started to see them as cages. Tall, steel cages. And then I looked down and I saw everyone walking and I was wondering where they were going, where did they work, were they happy? To tell you the truth, it got me depressed because here we are, going to school, graduating to go to work at this place that some end up hating for their rest of their life. And then there are the people that go to school for something that they are really passionate about and they graduate and they are standing right there in front of you with a Dunkin Donuts coffee on hand, your favorite martini, or working at your local Walgreens. I don't want to end up being a hostess for the rest of my life, or serving you cocktail drinks with a side of smile and a little prayer hoping that you will tip me more than ten percent. But I understand, times are hard and the economy is in the shitter along with your taco bell from last night. I'm grateful I have a job. I am. But I don't want to be sad, depressed, and frustrated for all of my life because of the mediocre job I have. I need there to be a sign that everything will be fine, that my life will have a purpose every day. To tell you the truth, it had me down all morning, almost to the points of tears. (Yes, I'm a cry baby, but at least it shows that I give a fuck, right? Right.) But I kept telling myself...everything will be alright. Everything will be alright.
And here I am typing this...and feeling like everything will be alright. We all have that one period in their life when they think their life might not be going in the direction they want, but you have control, and you can win in life. Win your life back. If you can still read this, it's not too late.
No matter how small you are....there is always something big underneath. |
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