Sunday, August 14, 2011


Oh blog, how I've missed you so. I needed a push from off my bed and into this desk chair. I am now typing in you and you will like it. ☺ I need to make sure I record everything that I loved this week and from the past week because I was a naughty girl and did not post anything last Sunday. But today I will write what I loved so that I can look back when my age is a bigger number and my memory becomes smaller. :) 


1. It was raining on Monday and my boyfriend and I went to Jewel. When we came out, the rain had picked up a bit more and as we were at the edge of the exit of the building, he said to stay there and that he would bring the car closer to me. The car was literally ten feet from me. A little rain wouldn't have hurt and I said "Don't worry baby, I'll go with you." He said no and brought the car closer to me. Chivalry is Iovan's middle name. ♥

2. Mexican popsicles. Yumm. 

3. My dear friend Lesa had sent me a "Thank you" note a while a go for her wedding and I just barely received it in the mail last weekend. It was the sweetest note a friend has ever written to me and I received it at the right moment. Love her. 

4. Summer days with a cool breeze that makes you take your shoes off and put your feet out the car window. :) 

5. My Duchess thinks she fits in my CAT'S bed. She has been sleeping for the past two days. I'm dead serious.

6. Whoever said "Cats, drool. Dogs, rule" or "Dogs drool. Cats rule" surely meant "Dogs and cats, rule and drool." ♥

7. I love chalk....and I love beautiful displays of chalk on the floor. The building in which I work in was celebrating 76 years! So some artists decided to do a little something something in the entrance and it surely brightened up my day. Colors are beauuuutiful. AND Coldplay has a really really cool video with CHALK! 

8. My sister is gorgeous and I'm sure she knows it. ♥

9. When I look out a window and see blue skies and white clouds with some sunshine, my smile makes an appearance.

10. I'm actually SUPER excited about my new classes this fall semester and it's biology. Why am I so interested in biology? Beats me, but I am.

Spread love and peanut butter and jelly. :)

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