Monday, August 29, 2011

Happily ever after ♥

I just recently watched a movie called "The Other Woman" with Natalie Portman ♥ and I must say I loved it because even though it was very sad, it still had a happy ending and it gave that sense of hope. And you know what, I love happy endings. Even if movies aren't really realistic, I need that happy ending because movies should be that two hour escape from your real life and you want to have that feel-good moment in the end. (Except horror movies because you need to actually think that there is something underneath your bed to get your money's worth).

No one wants to be depressed and just think "Jeez, that sucked and now I'm going to be depressed for the rest of the week. WHERE IS THE ICE CREAM!? :(." I used to think that it was good that movies had sad endings because I thought "Well, life isn't all about fucking rainbows and unicorns. I'm glad everyone has a crappy life in that movie." ← That was negative old me. Yuck. But I now understand the importance of knowing that there can be hope, there can be happy endings, there can be fucking rainbows and unicorns. :)

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