Monday, August 29, 2011

What is perfect?

If perfect means having patience at all time then I am not perfect. If perfect means being kind 24/7 then I am not perfect. If perfect means knowing what you want everyday then I am not perfect. If perfect means how to do everything spectacular every single second then I am not perfect.

I am what you call a human being with an unpredictable set of emotions, thoughts, and ideas. I will cry; I will get mad and will "bite"; I will be hurt and be sad. I will do something regretful and I will make no apologies for till hours later (maybe even days). If life throws me lemons at 60 mph....I will probably try to duck, then fail, then get hit in the face and will cry but I will never give up and eventually learn how to avoid all of them so that I will not be hurt.

Life, you make mistakes and then you do them a couple of more times till YOU REALLY LEARN not to do it again. Mistakes make you who you are. Mistakes make you run to the RIGHT direction. Mistakes: if life didn't have them, we'd be lost.

So if you feel like you are not perfect, don't fret, nobody is. Be the best of you. If we don't try to be the best ourselves, we don't fail. But if we don't fail, when are we ever going to succeed?

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