Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Easy as riding a bike...

Today, I rode a bike for the first time in a while and while I did I was remembering how hard and difficult it was to learn how to ride a bike. I thought to myself when I was little, "HOW IS THIS BIKE EVER GONNA STAND UP WITHOUT MY TRAINING WHEELS!" Even braking was strange and weird for me. I always thought that if I used my brake, the bike would send me flying full force instead of the bike doing that for me, I always threw myself out of the bike as a way to stop myself. True story.
So like everyone, I had my training wheels and still had one of my parents holding on to my seat after the training wheels were off for a while. And now that I am 24 years old and proudly riding without training wheels I think to myself, why did I ever think this was hard? Why did it seem like the impossible to me? And I think it's because we always put negativity in our mind before we even try ANYTHING! We always say, "No way! I can't do that!" "That's impossible!" We become afraid of falling and hurting ourselves. I think that we need to change that habit and whenever we are face to face with something we think is impossible to achieve, say "I can do this." Put that fear in the back of your head and believe that you can do anything. Before you know it, you are gonna look back and see that you have no training wheels and no one is holding your seat to help you from not falling. Believe and everything can be as easy as riding a bike.


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