Thursday, August 25, 2011

Picture Purrfect Thursday.

Today, I need to be cheered up. I am human and like any human, moments can get me down. But I will take a moment to be sad....

And now that I took that moment, I want to laugh. SO SHOULD YOU! Laugh loves! Laugh!

1.School has started...and I'm sure this is bound to happen :)


3.The face of revenge...LOL

4. Bed Hair. :) 
What is this? and Can I have one?!

5. Little arms are not always cool. Lol...

6. If Voldemort hadn't died, he would have run the world. :) 

7. Playing tetherball is not only for humans...

8.Monkey see, Monkey do.

9.I wonder if he had the beans for dinner...:)

10. Little sad.....but it's been a while so I think it's ok to laugh now. :))

I hope some of these put a smile on your face! 

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