Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Time is so beautiful....

to stop and write about my day sometimes. I just want to be outside and let the sun seep into my pores and nest in my body. I want to be able to dance along with the flowers as the wind blows through and makes them sway to the chirps of the birds and the laughter of the kids playing around the corner. So much to look forward to in life. It begins every day. It starts every time you open your eyes in the morning. Let all anger disintegrate around you and step out of that bubble of self-consciousness. Don't question yourself. You are beautiful and you must know this every day. The decisions you make, make sure that it's 99% from your heart and 1% from your head. Wake up. Wake up! WAKE UP! You are amazing and you must know it every single minute. You are powerful and you create energy every single second.

So grateful for every second of my life. I've got my health. I've got my family. I've got a man that loves me for the dorky girl that I am. I've got a job. I've got a friends. I've got a puppy that loves me no matter how many times I scream at her for making a mess in my room. No matter how hard times are, I know that I will be able to go back in time and read this and know how blessed I once was. Always.

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