Monday, June 20, 2011

Found a new treasure.... my nifty new phone! So I've recently discovered Pandora.

Yeah, I was the last person in the whole world to know about it and its awesomeness. Yeah yeah yeah, I live under a rock. Anyways, I don't know if they recently added comedy skits into their playlist but I just found out about it like two days ago from my sister. See, it all started one morning. It was a beautiful morning, the birds where chirping, the grass was greener than usual, and I was wearing my favorite shirt. Oh yes, a beautiful way to start the day. Wait, what was I talking about?

Lol, oh yeah, Pandora.

So anywho, my sister was sitting right next to me in the train when I looked over and saw her just giggling. And I look up front to where she was staring and I saw this old man sleeping. Oooook, I guess that's funny. I ignored it. I turn again and she is giggling again and now I'm thinking that there is something probably stuck to my face or my hair. Ugh! Don't you hate it when you pass someone and all of a sudden you can hear them laughing with their friends and you are secretly hoping that there isn't toilet paper stuck in your shoe or worse your pants... Well, I nugged my sister and asked her what the hell was so funny. And she showed me her phone and saw that her Pandora playlist said "Jerry Seinfeld" Jerry sings?! But I then she said that it was jokes. And this is me....

I thought it was pretty cool. I mean, people definitely need to get a laugh or two every day of their life. I decided to try it today and boy was I chuckling like a dummy in the bus. People were looking at me like I probably just shot up heroin. That's no bueno, but boy, did I not care. I love to laugh. I've found a new treasure in my nifty new phone and I'm in love. The Pandora box has truly been opened.....:)


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