Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Oh rain rain go away

I've been trying so hard to not get this weather get to me. Hello, Seattle? And these thunderstorms (which reminds me of that horrible Eric Bana Hulk film, you know the part when they are freakishly fighting in the clouds) are freaking scary when they start shaking my house and waking me up at 4 in the morning. Thanks a lot nature, but I'm pretty sure my alarm clock was going to wake me up at 6:30. The sun is hiding, and I can't get my tan on. I am a Mexican albino. Yeah, that's possible. And no, I will not get in a cancer box.


I keep thinking, "Ok, rain equals green trees and beautiful flowers, but how much rain is too much? Must I keep wearing my rain boots and raincoat?" It's quite funny how I still jump over puddles with my rain boots. I'm still not very used to them. It's "summer" and I'm ready to bust out with the tank tops and shorts that portray all my hard work from all that "dancing" playing Just Dance 2 on my Wii. Which reminds me....I think I need to start dancing again....

Anywho, I want to take my little dog out for a walk. I want to go to the beach and enjoy the scum-bacteria-pee infested Lake Michigan...God! Bring me some sunshine! and while you are at it, please get rid of my allergies, I'd like to kiss my boyfriend goodnight without boogers oozing out of my nose.

Saturday is creeping up and I'm fantastically excited, then next week....well, you are just gonna have to wait for those news because I'm just not ready to jinx my plans. :)

I've realized that I'm head over heels for my sisters. No matter what we go through, no matter how many times they say "I hope you die! you [bleep]!", no matter how many times they decided to stop talking to me, I will always love them. They make me smile and I will forever take care of them because they are mine and forever mine. I hope they love me too. :)

Oh by the way, the word "weiner" is no longer amusing to me. Thank you Conan O'Brien. You've killed my favorite word. Leave "duty" alone! :) Now, I will hopefully knock out like this little furball of cuteness.

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