Sunday, June 19, 2011

Amazing weekend!

Ah! Such a blessed and amazing weekend! I got to see one of my all time favorite bands! Florence and the Machine, and let me tell you it was magical! The energy this woman has! THE VOICE! AAAAH! Is there a limit as to how many exclamation points I can use? I HOPE NOT! I FREAKING LOVE FLO AND THE MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, now that I'm done hyperventelating and stopped replaying all the videos I took of her.....

Ok, I just had to watch them one more time just now. haha

I absolutely loved this concert. Her songs are so uplifting and I don't care how many people get so down on uplifting songs, movies, books etc. They are what get me through life sometimes and I'm forever grateful for them. I hope to one day be able to have the energy, the soul, the love this woman has.

I've made great memories this Saturday and I'm happy I got to share them with my beautiful cousin Jazmine. She can appreciate the love I have for her.

Today, was poppas day! And my dad got a two for one bc today was his birthday also! That man got spoiled. :)  I love him.

P.S. The Hangover II is not a movie you want to watch with your parents. Still pretty funny though. :)

My life has been pretty exciting lately. I love it. I love being able to look forward to things. And really, even if I didn't have anything planned like I do now, I'd still be pretty excited about my future. You just never know what can happen and it truly is all about having a positive attitude about whatever comes your way. If you think you are never going to succeed, you are never going to do something important with your life, you are never going to find something to love...then that is exactly what is going to happen. It's about putting out there what you want so that it can come to you. It's about making things happen for us and we can't have anything happen to us if we are lazy sitting on our ass just "wishing and hoping and praying". Yes, you can wish, because if we didn't then we wouldn't want to know what we truly wanted. Yes, you can hope, because if we didn't we wouldn't be consistent with our goals and determination. Yes, you can pray, because you can't get where you want to be without the help of the big man upstairs who will give you great and big things. But we always forget another important part of the process to reach our goals, dreams, and wishes. We forget to try. We forget to work hard. We forget that we have what it takes with the help from ourselves. We can make anything happen. We can. So go out there....and grab your life. Make it happen.

Loved my daddy
Loved my mommy
Loved my sisters
Loved my doggy
Loved my cousin
Loved tater tots
Loved whichever stranger reads this
Loved this concert
Loved this movie
Loved my boyfriend.

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