Thursday, May 26, 2011

Who do you think you are?

I haven't been on this for a while. I haven't written my Sunday list in two weeks in a row and I must say that I'm very dissapointed in myself. I just haven't been feeling the love lately. I want to blame it on the weather, I want to blame it on the situations I'm put on. But they are just excuses. I'm a big believer in people having total control of their days, of their emotions, of their happiness. No one can make you sad. No one can make you feel worthless. No one can get you down. There are only people that can make you smile. There are only people that will make you feel like a million bucks. There are only people that can make you rise.

I am human. I make mistakes, and sometimes I do forget about my excellent advice. Love will set me free. I will be free. I will be happy. I will find myself in the middle of it all and I will climb to the top.

Tomorrow, I will wake up with a smile on my face. I will grab the day and run with it. I will. I can. I am.

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