Wednesday, August 31, 2011

How lovely... this video? It just makes me happy to know that there is so much good to give out there and the best things to give come for free. Like a nice simple compliment or comment. Watch this video and let your heart become a little bit bigger.


Monday, August 29, 2011

Happily ever after ♥

I just recently watched a movie called "The Other Woman" with Natalie Portman ♥ and I must say I loved it because even though it was very sad, it still had a happy ending and it gave that sense of hope. And you know what, I love happy endings. Even if movies aren't really realistic, I need that happy ending because movies should be that two hour escape from your real life and you want to have that feel-good moment in the end. (Except horror movies because you need to actually think that there is something underneath your bed to get your money's worth).

No one wants to be depressed and just think "Jeez, that sucked and now I'm going to be depressed for the rest of the week. WHERE IS THE ICE CREAM!? :(." I used to think that it was good that movies had sad endings because I thought "Well, life isn't all about fucking rainbows and unicorns. I'm glad everyone has a crappy life in that movie." ← That was negative old me. Yuck. But I now understand the importance of knowing that there can be hope, there can be happy endings, there can be fucking rainbows and unicorns. :)

What is perfect?

If perfect means having patience at all time then I am not perfect. If perfect means being kind 24/7 then I am not perfect. If perfect means knowing what you want everyday then I am not perfect. If perfect means how to do everything spectacular every single second then I am not perfect.

I am what you call a human being with an unpredictable set of emotions, thoughts, and ideas. I will cry; I will get mad and will "bite"; I will be hurt and be sad. I will do something regretful and I will make no apologies for till hours later (maybe even days). If life throws me lemons at 60 mph....I will probably try to duck, then fail, then get hit in the face and will cry but I will never give up and eventually learn how to avoid all of them so that I will not be hurt.

Life, you make mistakes and then you do them a couple of more times till YOU REALLY LEARN not to do it again. Mistakes make you who you are. Mistakes make you run to the RIGHT direction. Mistakes: if life didn't have them, we'd be lost.

So if you feel like you are not perfect, don't fret, nobody is. Be the best of you. If we don't try to be the best ourselves, we don't fail. But if we don't fail, when are we ever going to succeed?

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Picture Purrfect Thursday.

Today, I need to be cheered up. I am human and like any human, moments can get me down. But I will take a moment to be sad....

And now that I took that moment, I want to laugh. SO SHOULD YOU! Laugh loves! Laugh!

1.School has started...and I'm sure this is bound to happen :)


3.The face of revenge...LOL

4. Bed Hair. :) 
What is this? and Can I have one?!

5. Little arms are not always cool. Lol...

6. If Voldemort hadn't died, he would have run the world. :) 

7. Playing tetherball is not only for humans...

8.Monkey see, Monkey do.

9.I wonder if he had the beans for dinner...:)

10. Little sad.....but it's been a while so I think it's ok to laugh now. :))

I hope some of these put a smile on your face! 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Do you let bad things go? Or, do you keep tabs? If you do, how many tabs can you keep open? Remember a computer can have so many open on a window until your PC comes crashing down. Do you want to crash down? Or do you want to run smoothly. Live, be free, and let go. Do not consume so much time about how you can get back at a person. Do not consume so much time hating, stressing, envying or you will look down the glass and see that all the sand is on the bottom half and time is up.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


I really should be asleep right now since tomorrow is my first day of school for the fall semester, ya biggie. Gah.

And I don't know what I was on when I decided that an 8 a.m. ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY class was going to be perfectly fine. OMG....I WANT TO KILL MYSELF! lol. Oh, you say it can't get any worse? Well, I just happened to check my online class and I already have homework assigned. Yeah, you want to know something even better? I still don't have books for either classes. I'm definitely starting this sememster in tip top shape. Hahaha. Oh Procrastinator Marcy, I've missed you so........NOT!!!!!

Everything will be fine though. :) That's why I'm not really sweating it. Oh and I'm typing on a new keyboard because apparently my cat knows how to fly now and she has discovered that it's fun to destroy shit with her nails. Yay. ........Oh, little creatures, you can't live with them and you can't live. Hahahaha. So my spelling might be incorrect sometimes because I'm having a bit of trouble with the backspace that I will just be too frustrated to use it.

So without further ado, I must post this list up bc I need to get mys leep on. ← you see. Not fixing it. hmph.

1. So yes, I'm in love with Adele and I finally understand what everyone was talking about. Voice of an angel. 

2. I've been making my boyfriend chocolate chip pancakes, and I must say, they are delish. ♥

3. This THIS THIS! OMG! HAHAHAHA. HE/SHE is so happy!!!!

4. She owns my heart and I will remind everyone about it every freaking Sunday list. :) 

5. Reason #383,294,294 why I love Summer, it's because I love walking on wet concrete. It's the most refreshing thing in the world. 

6. Playing Pool with my best friend.

8. I guess I'm not the only one that likes to put her cat in a pan....muahahaha

9. One of my favorite shows forever...evah. 

10. What I think of little kids nowadays....DO SOMETHING! YOU ARE SO YOUNG! There is no time to be depressed.

11. I kid you not, Duchess does this when she feels jealous. She will sit on you to get your attention or the person/thing she feels threaten by! :))


13. So as I've mentioned before, my cat is getting a bit too crazy/psycho on us...and I'm afraid that at any moment, she is going to do this to me ...
and all I really want is her to learn how to do this..

14. If ever see this before going into someone's house,I would think twice before entering. HAHA!

15. If you know know I go crazy for braids. :) 

16. Stephen silly man. :)

17. Everyone can make a connection, even it it's for just one second. ♥

 18. A really cool picture of galaxies colliding and making an exclamation point! I guess, it was the universe's way of showing it's current EMOTION!! hehehe :) 

19. And this is me....after seeing something I really like or when I think of something that I want to share to you all....HAHA!

 20. My boyfriend and well, like any man, has a hard time expression their feelings. There are some that don't like doing that gooey stuff, and I got upset at my boyfriend about it and told him. A few minutes later he put on our song and I'm not gonna lie, I wanted to cry. He's something else.....♥♥♥

Sweet dreams everyone. ☺

Spread love and inspiration ♥

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Chills down my spine...

Is what I felt when I finally sat down and watched and listened to Ms. Adele sing. The soul every word that she sings out her mouth....every word carries power, intensity, meaning and to me she is beautiful. The way she carries herself, the way she sings and speaks like it's her world, she owns everything in her path...and now her voice owns my musical soul.

Today I ♥ Adele

Spread love and spread beautiful voices...♥

Monday, August 15, 2011

The wind underneath my arms...

You know what I love? I love running. 

It makes me feel like a bird. 
It makes me feel like a lion. 
It makes me feel free to be able to run and run and feel my heartbeat accelerate under my skin. 

I love that when I feel like I can't anymore, all of a sudden I feel that extra push that my body was hiding somewhere.  

I love that it happens often.

♫I love it that it's just me, my legs, the pavement, and my headphones.♫

☺I love that when I'm done, I see all the sweat. It means I definitely did something right.☺

♥I love running.♥

Life Lesson #283,129. Never run without a sports bra. Ever. Ouch.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Oh blog, how I've missed you so. I needed a push from off my bed and into this desk chair. I am now typing in you and you will like it. ☺ I need to make sure I record everything that I loved this week and from the past week because I was a naughty girl and did not post anything last Sunday. But today I will write what I loved so that I can look back when my age is a bigger number and my memory becomes smaller. :) 


1. It was raining on Monday and my boyfriend and I went to Jewel. When we came out, the rain had picked up a bit more and as we were at the edge of the exit of the building, he said to stay there and that he would bring the car closer to me. The car was literally ten feet from me. A little rain wouldn't have hurt and I said "Don't worry baby, I'll go with you." He said no and brought the car closer to me. Chivalry is Iovan's middle name. ♥

2. Mexican popsicles. Yumm. 

3. My dear friend Lesa had sent me a "Thank you" note a while a go for her wedding and I just barely received it in the mail last weekend. It was the sweetest note a friend has ever written to me and I received it at the right moment. Love her. 

4. Summer days with a cool breeze that makes you take your shoes off and put your feet out the car window. :) 

5. My Duchess thinks she fits in my CAT'S bed. She has been sleeping for the past two days. I'm dead serious.

6. Whoever said "Cats, drool. Dogs, rule" or "Dogs drool. Cats rule" surely meant "Dogs and cats, rule and drool." ♥

7. I love chalk....and I love beautiful displays of chalk on the floor. The building in which I work in was celebrating 76 years! So some artists decided to do a little something something in the entrance and it surely brightened up my day. Colors are beauuuutiful. AND Coldplay has a really really cool video with CHALK! 

8. My sister is gorgeous and I'm sure she knows it. ♥

9. When I look out a window and see blue skies and white clouds with some sunshine, my smile makes an appearance.

10. I'm actually SUPER excited about my new classes this fall semester and it's biology. Why am I so interested in biology? Beats me, but I am.

Spread love and peanut butter and jelly. :)