Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Feet hurt....

...so good. Cuz momma brought some dough today and she is gonna go spend it on her adventure this coming Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday. Hellz yeah. Can't wait to spend some time with my love away from these crazy people who drive me....CRAZY! :) Oh, and Happy Birthday Julia, may you have many and many many more HAPPY birthdays. :)

I will now make my monkey play you "Birthday" from the Beatles...

I'm still very glad I met you Julia Gulia...

"most of the time it’s good not to let someone change you. but sometimes we meet people because the change they’ll inspire in us is exactly what we need."

This high five is for you..

Monday, June 20, 2011

Found a new treasure....

...in my nifty new phone! So I've recently discovered Pandora.

Yeah, I was the last person in the whole world to know about it and its awesomeness. Yeah yeah yeah, I live under a rock. Anyways, I don't know if they recently added comedy skits into their playlist but I just found out about it like two days ago from my sister. See, it all started one morning. It was a beautiful morning, the birds where chirping, the grass was greener than usual, and I was wearing my favorite shirt. Oh yes, a beautiful way to start the day. Wait, what was I talking about?

Lol, oh yeah, Pandora.

So anywho, my sister was sitting right next to me in the train when I looked over and saw her just giggling. And I look up front to where she was staring and I saw this old man sleeping. Oooook, I guess that's funny. I ignored it. I turn again and she is giggling again and now I'm thinking that there is something probably stuck to my face or my hair. Ugh! Don't you hate it when you pass someone and all of a sudden you can hear them laughing with their friends and you are secretly hoping that there isn't toilet paper stuck in your shoe or worse your pants... Well, I nugged my sister and asked her what the hell was so funny. And she showed me her phone and saw that her Pandora playlist said "Jerry Seinfeld" ...wtf? Jerry sings?! But I then she said that it was jokes. And this is me....

I thought it was pretty cool. I mean, people definitely need to get a laugh or two every day of their life. I decided to try it today and boy was I chuckling like a dummy in the bus. People were looking at me like I probably just shot up heroin. That's no bueno, but boy, did I not care. I love to laugh. I've found a new treasure in my nifty new phone and I'm in love. The Pandora box has truly been opened.....:)


Sunday, June 19, 2011

Amazing weekend!

Ah! Such a blessed and amazing weekend! I got to see one of my all time favorite bands! Florence and the Machine, and let me tell you it was magical! The energy this woman has! THE VOICE! AAAAH! Is there a limit as to how many exclamation points I can use? I HOPE NOT! I FREAKING LOVE FLO AND THE MACHINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well, now that I'm done hyperventelating and stopped replaying all the videos I took of her.....

Ok, I just had to watch them one more time just now. haha

I absolutely loved this concert. Her songs are so uplifting and I don't care how many people get so down on uplifting songs, movies, books etc. They are what get me through life sometimes and I'm forever grateful for them. I hope to one day be able to have the energy, the soul, the love this woman has.

I've made great memories this Saturday and I'm happy I got to share them with my beautiful cousin Jazmine. She can appreciate the love I have for her.

Today, was poppas day! And my dad got a two for one bc today was his birthday also! That man got spoiled. :)  I love him.

P.S. The Hangover II is not a movie you want to watch with your parents. Still pretty funny though. :)

My life has been pretty exciting lately. I love it. I love being able to look forward to things. And really, even if I didn't have anything planned like I do now, I'd still be pretty excited about my future. You just never know what can happen and it truly is all about having a positive attitude about whatever comes your way. If you think you are never going to succeed, you are never going to do something important with your life, you are never going to find something to love...then that is exactly what is going to happen. It's about putting out there what you want so that it can come to you. It's about making things happen for us and we can't have anything happen to us if we are lazy sitting on our ass just "wishing and hoping and praying". Yes, you can wish, because if we didn't then we wouldn't want to know what we truly wanted. Yes, you can hope, because if we didn't we wouldn't be consistent with our goals and determination. Yes, you can pray, because you can't get where you want to be without the help of the big man upstairs who will give you great and big things. But we always forget another important part of the process to reach our goals, dreams, and wishes. We forget to try. We forget to work hard. We forget that we have what it takes with the help from ourselves. We can make anything happen. We can. So go out there....and grab your life. Make it happen.

Loved my daddy
Loved my mommy
Loved my sisters
Loved my doggy
Loved my cousin
Loved tater tots
Loved whichever stranger reads this
Loved this concert
Loved this movie
Loved my boyfriend.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Today, there are no worries...

Because I will be in heaven! I will be in the company of my cousin and we will both be enjoy the enchanting hard edge loving voice of one Ms. Florence Welch. I can't wait. I'm getting pumped up by listening to ALL OF HER SONGS. Sigh....I'm so happy that I will be seeing such a wonder from heaven. She is angel and her songs are coming straight from the journal of my heart.

This week, well, this week was nothing short of up and downs. So many things to be happy for. Definitely had two great shifts at work and I think God heard me when I said to take care of me because I didn't do any mistakes and it was smooth sailing for me. Phew! And getting that extra money was of course a great bonus for my adventure next week with the love of my life, my soulmate, my friend that holds my heart, the boy with that smile. Le sigh...I love him.

So I'm getting sick of this social network people like to call Facebook. I'm over and done with it. I mean, it was a great concept don't get me wrong. Everyone has found everyone whom they gone to kindergarten with, grade school, high school, college, the person they peed next to in the bathroom from the mall, the person they said hi to once in a concert, the....well, you get what I'm trying to say. I was eavesdropping on a few girls who I was serving the other night and they were talking about facebook. Here is how it went (I have great memory)

(pseudo names have been given to protect their identity, lol)
Girl 1:"Wow, I can't believe I've finally see you again since five years ago."
Girl 2:"I know! I'm so happy that you called me!"
Girl 1:"Well, Laura gave me your number when I saw her at whole foods the other day"
Girl 3:"Yeah, I was like remember Jenny? From NIU? and she said 'Yeah, how is she?!' and then here we are!"
Girl 2"That's amazing. I really love that we can all get to hang out and get away from our busy lives."
Girl 1:"Yes! And if we had facebook, none of this would have happened. Because I would have just gone to your page look at your pictures and see what you have been up to and it would end there."
Girl 3:"I completely agree. That's what I do instead of catching up over lunch or dinner with a friend. It's gotten me so lazy."
Me:"Hi ladies, can I get you another glass of wine?"

Jeez, I'm such an interrupter.... lol.

But they are so right. Facebook has made people lazy. I'm not saying get ready of facebook because I know it was a lot of pros. You might have family out of state and can't see them every day and they can see what you are up to and feel like they see you every day. But when your friend is literally one block away and you post on her wall "I miss you" then geez, get up  you lazy ass! :)

Gonna go get ready for the party of my life!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Oh rain rain go away

I've been trying so hard to not get this weather get to me. Hello, Seattle? And these thunderstorms (which reminds me of that horrible Eric Bana Hulk film, you know the part when they are freakishly fighting in the clouds) are freaking scary when they start shaking my house and waking me up at 4 in the morning. Thanks a lot nature, but I'm pretty sure my alarm clock was going to wake me up at 6:30. The sun is hiding, and I can't get my tan on. I am a Mexican albino. Yeah, that's possible. And no, I will not get in a cancer box.


I keep thinking, "Ok, rain equals green trees and beautiful flowers, but how much rain is too much? Must I keep wearing my rain boots and raincoat?" It's quite funny how I still jump over puddles with my rain boots. I'm still not very used to them. It's "summer" and I'm ready to bust out with the tank tops and shorts that portray all my hard work from all that "dancing" playing Just Dance 2 on my Wii. Which reminds me....I think I need to start dancing again....

Anywho, I want to take my little dog out for a walk. I want to go to the beach and enjoy the scum-bacteria-pee infested Lake Michigan...God! Bring me some sunshine! and while you are at it, please get rid of my allergies, I'd like to kiss my boyfriend goodnight without boogers oozing out of my nose.

Saturday is creeping up and I'm fantastically excited, then next week....well, you are just gonna have to wait for those news because I'm just not ready to jinx my plans. :)

I've realized that I'm head over heels for my sisters. No matter what we go through, no matter how many times they say "I hope you die! you [bleep]!", no matter how many times they decided to stop talking to me, I will always love them. They make me smile and I will forever take care of them because they are mine and forever mine. I hope they love me too. :)

Oh by the way, the word "weiner" is no longer amusing to me. Thank you Conan O'Brien. You've killed my favorite word. Leave "duty" alone! :) Now, I will hopefully knock out like this little furball of cuteness.

Monday, June 13, 2011

So much love...so little time...

I'm currently listening to Florence and The Machine songs and I must say, I'm falling in love all over again. AND! I'm going to see her this Saturday, if all goes well with the big guy up there! I can't wait! I can't wait to sing my heart out and dance like no one is watching.
Yeah, that's my hero Florence Welch...:)

Time is so precious. So use your time wisely, make sure that you frown as little as possible, it would be better if you didn't frown at all. Because know that someone loves you out there and that they are watching over you. He can only bring good things to you in your life and you must believe that. God didn't create you so that he could torture you. A God that has given us this beautiful universe can do nothing but good for us. You must believe that. God created people to love you. How awesome is that? He created you and it can't get any awesomer than that.

I don't know about you, but I think I'm pretty freaking awesome. :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Perfect Human...

I'm not what my title says, that is for sure and if you ask the people that see me 24/7, they can concur with that statement. I've been preaching over and over again about the importance of eating healthy, being happy all the time, and loving everyone and hating no one and nothing, but I have been failing myself.

 I became a "vegetarian" five months ago. Pft. My vegetarian phase lasted three months and these past two months I've inserted a few meat pieces into my digestive system.


I'm not gonna lie, summer brings out this sort of carnivore monster from inside me. The grill is all fired up, my dad grills onions, some potatos, and my mom makes my favorite dish...guacamole...mmmmmmmm. Even the name makes my mouth all watery. Since the beginning of May, every weekend I've eaten at least one meal with meat and then Sunday comes and I say "NEVER AGAIN AM I EATING MEAT! NEVAAAAA!" The whole week i'm ok with eating veggies and Friday starts creeping, I see meat and I go crazy. Crazy! It's disgusting. Just two hours ago, my boyfriend's brother left some baby back ribs at home and I swear I thought I heard my name being called out, they were carved with my name all over it and I attacked. Ten minutes later after eating only two small ribs....I felt dirty. I felt like a virgin who just had sex with the alter boy in the alley behind a church. Yeah, dirty just like that.

(The reason why I put quotation marks on the word vegetarian up there is because I've recently decided that I very much dislike labels. Why do people need to be called something? Why must everyone be labeled? Why can't I just say I don't want to eat meat? Why can't I just say that I love different types of music genre, different types of movies, different clothing styles, different everything. Why must I be called a vegetarian, hippie, etc etc. I'm Marcela and I love everything that comes my way and everything that still hasn't entered into my world.)

As for my happiness, well, let's say that I need some work in that department as well. I am happy. I can proudly say that I am very happy because I am aware at how blessed I am at this very moment. I have my family, who is healthy, who are all living under a beautiful house. I have a beautiful little creature who loves me unconditionally and is healthy as well. I have a friend and a confidant in my boyfriend. And many more wonderful things....but there are still moments where I feel like I need something more out of this world and I'm not getting it. I feel like my heart is not in a right place sometimes and these dark thoughts come over me and the sun is all of sudden nowhere to be found.

For a year or so, I've been a place where I've questioned everything. I've questioned my religion, my future, my present, my everyday decisions and sometimes I feel like these questions sometimes get me lost and to tell you the truth, sometimes I think there are some stuff that don't need to be questioned. I'm not saying questions are bad, in fact, I think I've grown more because of them. I've made my own decisions and not just go along with what other people think. I've opened my eyes up to a whole new world. I guess you can say that I've actually been hiding behind people because I was afraid of what was out in the world and I thought I'd be safer behind the opinions and ideas of others.

I have a lot that I want to say but I've been so distant from my blog world that my words are all jumbled up together. I will have another day for my thoughts...so for now, this is pretty much what I could make into sentences. So far I will be taking this one day at a time. It's the only way I can survive. I'm not a perfect human, but I'm a beautiful imperfect human being with a growing heart. I know that for sure. For now, I'm going to dance my way out of this post....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Time is so beautiful....

to stop and write about my day sometimes. I just want to be outside and let the sun seep into my pores and nest in my body. I want to be able to dance along with the flowers as the wind blows through and makes them sway to the chirps of the birds and the laughter of the kids playing around the corner. So much to look forward to in life. It begins every day. It starts every time you open your eyes in the morning. Let all anger disintegrate around you and step out of that bubble of self-consciousness. Don't question yourself. You are beautiful and you must know this every day. The decisions you make, make sure that it's 99% from your heart and 1% from your head. Wake up. Wake up! WAKE UP! You are amazing and you must know it every single minute. You are powerful and you create energy every single second.

So grateful for every second of my life. I've got my health. I've got my family. I've got a man that loves me for the dorky girl that I am. I've got a job. I've got a friends. I've got a puppy that loves me no matter how many times I scream at her for making a mess in my room. No matter how hard times are, I know that I will be able to go back in time and read this and know how blessed I once was. Always.