Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I have no idea...

..why I have an attraction to this song. It makes me so happy. It makes me want to dance. It makes me feel like a diva and I just want to go down the street and walk like I'm on the catwalk. Why?! Why must I feel this way when I hear this song! Dang it! It makes me feel alive! :) It makes me feel as cool as Barbra Streisand!

 This day was wonderful, it was full of sister love.

I love my sister. Although she has quite a personality, she changes for no one. I think that is good, yet bad. I think you must always do and say what you want. Speak your mind, it will set you free. That's my motto. But I also think that you must have respect, because with respect you will go far. You must have respect for your friends, family, and well, your surroundings. It's one way to survive. My sister and I were at church this Sunday and well, she was pretty much speaking her damn mouth like if she wanted everyone to hear her. She'd so very loudly say "what?!" when the priest would say something that did not sit well with her. And although I wanted to laugh, I think it's rude.

We both don't like going to church but we very much believe in God. So sometimes some things seem as a joke to us. But the only reason why I attend mass is because it makes my mom happy. And I'd do anything for that woman. I especially went last Sunday because it was madre's day. Anywho, although I tend to sometimes nod off during mass, I like to pray and have my me and God time since that's the only time I can really sit down, no excuses. I know that I must be respectful of other people's religious preferences so I will sit and not judge.

So sister of mine if you are reading this...having a little bit of r.e.s.p.e.c.t. Just a little bit...just a little bit...

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