Sunday, May 22, 2011

Love letters...

If you haven't written a love letter then maybe you should start, because it is the most wonderful feeling being able to pour out your soul, and sometimes that is impossible. Sometimes there are no words what my body, mind and heart are experiencing at that moment. It is as if my body mind and heart collided and created this unknown universe with millions of stars just glittering ever so brightly. It is if I am listening to most beautiful violin and I'm running in this field full of wild flowers and the sun is shining down on me and when you see me, all you see is my smile. I love love letters even if they are small, it's the thought put into it.

May 12, 2011

    This actually should have been the first thing I wrote, but oh well.  I absolutely love your bright and shining optimism as you start each day.  It doesn't seem to matter what kind of a day/night you had before, you always approach each day with a smile.  You never seem to wake up cranky the way that I do.  I count on your smile more than you know.


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