Monday, October 27, 2014

Lovely Mondays

I love Mondays, I truly do. It's always the beginning of new possibilities..

I love my job. No matter the ugly souls that sometimes trickle on to spoil your day.

I love positive words. 

I love the word "yes" 

I love the fact that whenever I wake up from a nightmare, I will always find my husband on my side to calm me. 

I love food. 

I love running in the afternoon with my husband and puppy. 

I love the love inside everyone has.

             Ladybug on my finger 

Thursday, October 23, 2014

"Hi, this is my husband..."

Project M: 

Day 5, 

It's been one year, 6 months, and 23 days since I married Prince Charming, and it still hasn't settled in that I get to introduce him as my husband to my friends and coworkers. I almost feel like I should say "juuuust kidding" afterwards, but no, this man is my husband- not joking at all. This handsome, adorable, silly man is my family. 

I hope this feeling never goes away. 

I'm on the train right now, and all I smell stinky feet and nasty flatulance from the guy behind me. Oh my god, it's so rancid. 

Lady in front of me is drunk as a skunk and they are asking for her ticket. The conductor just asked her if he can see her ticket. She just smiles and says yeah. And she keeps smiling and he's smiling. It is so awkward. 

P.s. Today I loves the older people that came in today. Just the sweetest, I wanted to hug them all. 

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Puppy love

Project M:
Day 4,

  I can't believe that it's been 6 years since my puppy has been born. Late last night while laying on our bed, I was craving to see some pictures of my Duch and I stalked my husbands facebook albums. He has so many pictures of her and I immediately regretted searching them up.

   She looked so young, of course, but as I looked back, I couldn't exactly remember what we were doing in that specific moment when I took that picture. Where had time gone? My baby girl so adventurous and a ball full of mischief. She has given me so many years already and I wish I could relieve them again and again and again. 

   Looking at her now, as she is laying on her bed and snoring like a sailor, her features have roughned up. Her muzzle full of grays and lips hanging more than usual. I can't bear the thought when that's all she will want to do. Just lay in bed and sleep and not be bothered bc her joints hurt and she doesn't want/can't move. Right now, she still has that puppy energy. She wags her tail as soon as she hears me shuffling around the bed in the morning. She waits impatiently by the door for her morning walk. I never want that to go. I never for one second want to see her shrug off the notion of an afternoon walk. I love her so. I will miss her so. 

Today, I loved her little bark at me as I was shredding cooked chicken. She wanted that chicken so badly.

Monday, October 20, 2014

Lovely Mondays

Love dinners with my husband. 

Love cooking in my kitchen. 

Love the white clouds on a crisp blue sky afternoon. 

Love good talks about random things.

Love Tina Fey's "Bossypants" (read it twice) 

Love Duchess' head nudges. 

Love The Cure on a good fall day. 

Love the shadows from an afternoon sunset.

Moving Mondays

Project M:

Day 3,

After a weekend of a sister sleepover which included pigging out, walking dead marathon, and more pigging out, I feel ready for this Monday. I shall take this Monday by it's balls and throw them to the fire! I still can't believe I don't drink coffee. Sometimes I don't know how I do it. It must be the spirit inside of me. It must be the promise of a beautiful blessed day. Or the fact that I get to just be a part of this world.

Saturday night I watched Hocus Pocus with my sister and husband. My sister and I were grinning like idiots whenever our favorite scenes came on (mine would have to be when Winnie sings and casts that spell on the horny adults). I'd turn my head once in a while to see my husband just watch the movie in total boredom but he was nice. Usually when a movie rubs him the wrong way, he'll Roger Ebert the shit out of it. Don't get me wrong, this movie has all kinds of dumb scenarios but it's got all the right feels. I don't know. Ok, I'm just not explaining it right.

Today, I loved how easy work was.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

I've got a CRUSH on you

Project M:

Day 2,

On this sweetest day, I thought about the first sweetest day Prince Charming and celebrated together. In high school, they had this candy gram and he sent me a can of "crush" during second period. Attached to it was a sweet note and all the girls around me "ooooooed". Yeah, I was one lucky girl.

Last week, I stumbled upon our high school love letters and I can honestly say with much happiness that P.C. has kept his word so far.

I was thinking that every person deserves a sweet soul like my husband. Everyone deserves a person who will protect and love and respect through and through. There is no need to be in a relationship that is one sided. No one should be with a fixer upper person. You should come in a relationship with much love and adoration for a person that you don't feel the need to change them so you'd like them better. You should be with a person that makes you feel better.

I'm surrounded by two amazing men that have so much love to give to their women. My dad and my husband. They both have shown me what it is to love a women and see to it that they have the sun, the moon, stars and the beauty of the flowers.

Today, while my dad was talking to my husband, my mom asked my dad a question and without missing a beat in his conversation with my husband, he answered my mom. Because, no one puts mom in a corner.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Thursday night rambling

Project M:

Day 1,

Today, I lost it. In the most childish way, I lost it. For about four months or so, maybe more, there has been this dislike for somebody that has just been snowballing inside me and it's become intolerable. Just the sight of this person makes me want to punch a wall until my knuckles bleed dry, and don't get me started on their voice. Their voice means a death of a thousand puppies. It's that unbearable.

The fact is, this feeling of "hatred" (and I put it in quotation marks bc I don't like using that word or even feeling it) that has harbored inside of me is really starting to take a toll on me. I can't concentrate and just like Cady heron, word vomit just spills out incessantly.

It also doesn't help that I've been surrounded by this negativity fog lately and it's not this Mercury Retrograde thing. I've been feeling like that for a while now. It's not depression. I think it's less serious. I guess I can blame laziness that's come over me. I don't want to see the positive in anything because sometimes being positive just drains so much energy. You know that phrase "fake it till you make it". There was so much falseness and not enough of a genuine feeling. So I stopped trying and I freaked out more often. Looking for the bad in everything so I had something to blame why things didn't work out the way i wanted them to. Ugh, this paragraph is making me upset. Of course, I love positivity. It's the ONLY way to be. But like I've said, I'm caught in this negative tornado and I can't see land yet.

Moving on-  to cut this short there's been a voice inside of me that has been telling me to quit it. Also, Dr. Alchemist has been given me some positive thoughts. I very much appreciate Doc.

Uuuugh, someone just farted and it stinks. And I'm surrounded by three women so I know one of them is not very classy.

Anywho, I've started a project. I hope to see it through.

One last word vomit of this ass that makes me cringe. This person calls me "happy pants" and that fact that this person DOES NOT make me happy just makes my blood boil. I shall call this person Sad Pants.

Today I loved my hot chocolate in the morning.  

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Sundae (I'm not hungry)

So let's see what has happened since the last post. 

ISIS is the newest terrorist threat to 'murica. 

Ebola is here. (Dust off your zombie killing skills) 

Fall/winter is here/coming.

Apple unveiled their newest phone iTaco 6.

Oh and my husband bought me a car. 


On our anniversary, he went all Oprah on me "and YOU get a car! (But you have to pay for insurance, gas, city stickers, floor mats, oil change...etc)"

I'm so grateful. Oh my lord, am I ever. He's the most wonderful person I've ever met. So I only have one more wish. 

Dear Chicago weather, I know we are technically in Fall, but can you hold off the rainy, windy cold days. I just found out how amazingly good it feels to have the windows and sun roof open while blasting my favorite songs. Oh my goodness, dare I say it's better than eating? Yes. Yes it is.