Tuesday, April 2, 2013

I love...

I usually write these when I feel a little down...I don't know what it is that is bringing me a down but I'm sure it will be gone as soon as I remind myself of the little things I love.

1. I love listening to my coworkers (men) talk sports at work. I swear I can listen to them for hours. They are so passionate and they have so much knowledge of it that it boggles my mind. Sometimes I don't know what they are talking about when they start bringing out statistics and such but I don't care, I'm entertained by the emotion behind every word. A girl would hope that men have that much passion when they talk about their girlfriends or wives, but who are we kidding...

2. I love listening to people complain about their petty problems. Makes me appreciate my life more. Ain't nobody got time for that.

3. I love that my friends are nurses, and veterinarians. Makes me asking questions much more easier and I don't have to go to that gosh darn awful webmd website which opens pandora box.

4. I love crossword puzzles. Brain food!

5. I love to watch the Investigation Discovery channel. Although, it's a little morbid, I like playing Sherlock Holmes. I especially love it when my husband decides to watch it with me because he comes up with these crazy theories and he ends up being right most of the time! I think he was Sherlock Holmes in his past life...

6. I love the feeling of passing the train tracks without having to wait for a freight train for twenty minutes. All of you Berwynites know what I'm talking about.

7. I love spring colors. I would wear them year round.

8. I love haters. They are my stepping stones.

9. I love peanut butter with apples. Heaven.

10. I love that Iovan and I got married and nobody knew but our family and a few friends. It was if two stars collided, the earth was shaking, the sun was shining brighter than ever and all the while everyone were going about their business not knowing that a new world was created. It was so intimate.


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