Friday, April 5, 2013

We need some cheer...STAT!

My sweet, beautiful, charming, friend Liz has the blahs and I dedicate this post to her. 

Give me a C! Give me an H! Give me an E! Give me an E! Give me a R! 

lets start off with a picture of this little thing
This is you right now, let's see if we can turn your blahs into a smile. 

So there was this kitten that lived in a sock...

He had nothing to do while his friends were all out, giving out hugs..

His buddy...Putzo said "Hey! I don't do no hugs! Don't you look at me!"

So he asked his duckling friends to come over so they could all hang out, but they couldn't seem to get over the sidewalk...
They were too small...

Are you smiling yet? If not then...

SO onwards with my story... So kitten calls his friend Smiley ask if he wants to hang out but he is too busy smiling because he's all drugged out. (Got his balls cut off) 

So Kitten gives up and decides to work out, but this winter was a long one and he feels like a walrus doing sit ups...

The feat was too much and he decides to just take a nap but could not go to sleep so he decides to count sheep but instead he got a smiling lamb in his head...


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