Sunday, April 7, 2013

Fourth time

Fourth time my husband and I have gone house hunting. It's no easy feat. I thought it would be, and I can see stress that is causing the love of my life and I wish I could just take it all away. My poor man stresses out so much. I know we will find our house, and I know that everything will be alright. Just wish he would have confidence that we will find our home.

Talking about home, I hope he knows that he is my home. Wherever he goes, and I am not there, I will be homesick. I will miss his hugs, his kiss, his words my shelter...

my girls are sleeping right next to me and I wish I could just snuggle up next to them like they do with me in the middle of the night. but for some reason, they don't think I'm an excellent sneaky snuggler. They move two feet from me and start their slumber all over again. Hmph.

It's getting closer. Closer to forever with my boo every moment I spend with him, we are growing older. We grew up together, find ourselves together even when we are miles apart. I love him forever, the captain of my heart.

I wish I was with him right now.

I wish I could actually drink a milkshake right now too. Fudge. I'm such a fat little kid inside.

Mental note: I must stop saying the word fat. I just said thirty minutes ago when I saw a picture of

Lol. no.

I'm getting married by church soon, I know that I don't need a religion to tell me that God has united us as husband and wife. God knows that the mister and I are one beating heart, two of a kind, three seeing eyes, four beating hearts. God has given us our blessing because if he hadn't then right now we wouldn't be husband and wife. He makes everything possible and I have faith that He knows that He is forever in our family. Church will just make everything "official" for my devout catholic family. I don't mind it honestly. There is nothing to mind. I like tradition. My parents were married in a church, my parent's parents where married in a church, his parents were married in a church...I think it's beautiful. It's a beautiful tradition, the lighting of the unity candle, my dad "giving me away" hehehe even though I'm already taken. LOL.

Oh and guys, I'm not pregnant. :)

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