Tuesday, April 16, 2013

I always knew...

...that when I would get married, but I never knew that it would be to my best friend. He is something else, he never ceases to amaze me. That outer shell he carries is no shell at all. He carries his heart and soul on his sleeve and he is always true to himself.

I married a man. Thank you God for that.

Time seems like it's ticking faster every day. Just this Monday, it was a month since we've been married. It's been like a dream, I still can't get over the fact that he's my husband. A person that will grow old with me. To build a future with our bare hands, to leave a mark on this world with our love...that's all I want. I want it to never end. That in that next world, he'll still be with me.

I love my family. My little family.

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