Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I want to learn to be the most unselfish person. Is that possible? I want to learn how to give and TRULY not expect anything in return.

So many people say this all the time but deep in their thoughts they get so upset when nobody gives anything back so they revert back to their old ways of taking taking taking because they sure as hell know that no one is willing to give anymore.

P.S. You know, I've slowly reverted back into my old ways of thinking bad of the people that live in this world. Its hard not to ignore when there is so much violence, hatred, and negativity in this little tiny blue planet. It's hard but I STILL believe it's possible to truly see that deep down in everyone...there is good. God doesn't create bad people. They just stop believing in anything so they stop caring but if someone could show them the good...then maybe it wouldn't be so bad at all.

P.S.S My "You're beautiful" campaign has not stopped but it was been reformed. I think when I started saying and thinking "I'm beautiful" I was really looking at the external me and of everyone. Then I woke up and smelled the mothereffing coffee. You have to be beautiful inside first. You have to be beautiful well deep in your thoughts and soul so that it can break the outside shell and no one will be able to doubt the beauty that you exude. You will make this world a more beautiful place with your beautiful mind... But I know that everyone has a beautiful soul, we just have to believe it.

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