Sunday, November 27, 2011


"Small minds don't get far with their small feet made of gossip and hurtful remarks. Open minds grow into big trees that are only trying to reach the sky and stars."

Thanksgiving came and left and although this holiday was about taking a time and remembering to appreciate what we have won and lost. To be grateful of what we have in the present and to await what comes in the future. I paid no attention. I felt nothing. 

Why not? 

Because I've been doing it every day, every night this past year. Don't wait ONE day a year to take time to tell someone that you are thankful for them. Say it every day. Say it or just think of it.

Every day should be a taken with appreciation, it should be taken like a gift.

These past few days I spent with family and friends, I've had a smile from ear to ear because I was so grateful to be in the presence of so much love. 

Tonight, a simple and quiet day. Woke up, told the sweet man that holds my heart that I loved him, took baby Duchess for a (misty) walk, did chores, helped paint the dining room with my family, ate pizza, and watched a movie with them.

Thankful for this simple Sunday night.

and thankful for beautiful music like this....

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