Wednesday, November 23, 2011

little valuable lessons part 2

Remember, curiosity killed the cat. Well, in this case, the cat can kill you.

Sometimes, you have to turn off the TV, computer, or iPod and play with your pets AND children.

Drink as much water as you possibly can. Also, if you are feeling a little bit upset, a little splash of water on your face helps. (This guy is probably very thirsty...or VERY upset.)

Remember, being a little mysterious is always good. Ooo, so misterioso pelican ...

Try your hardest to not let anyone fall down.

DON'T overdo it during the Holiday seasons.

 Its nice to lend someone an ear. People sometimes need that more than advice.

Climb as high as you can. All the time. And if you can, bring someone up with you. ♥ 

Next time you are talking to someone, or say "Thank you" or "How are you?" or "Have a nice day." Look at them in the eyes. Your words will mean and matter so much more. ♥

Thanksgiving is literally around the corner...and if you feel down and feel like you have nothing to be thankful, well, be thankful that you can at least see this. Blind people would do anything to see your world for half a minute.

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