Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Learning experience...

Learn to think things through before I open my mouth. Words hurt even if they weren't meant to. I'm human though, I'm learning that there are lots of things that are none of my business:

Point number one: Others people lives.
Numero dos: Others people lives.
Numéro trois: Others people lives.

It's so easy to lose yourself in this world that we live in. This social-network hungry world. We yearn to be known, to NEED to know. You have no idea how peaceful my mind is when I put my phone down during the day and pain-free my fingers are.

I'm back to square one.


Today, I walked home from school. I listened to some sweet music. I drank some cool refreshing water. I enjoyed the last breath of summer. I swung my arms freely to the music. I enjoyed the orange and red fall scenery.


Spread Love....just lots and lots of ♥♥♥

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