Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Today is bringing me down. I don't know why. Woke up from a demonic dream this mornin and I can't stop thinking about it. Ugh, and right now that Kelly Clarkson song is playing and I want to barf. Wish I could get over that.

This morning, I did not want to wake up and I blame that five day weekend I had. Lounging in my house can only be good for a short amount of time till I start thinkin how much money I'm not making right now, and right now I need all the money in the world for so many things. Stupid money, it controls my life. Romney better not win. Don't like that guy one bit. But today came and I feel like I haven't rested enough. I need to start meditating and center myself. I'm sure my soul is in knots.

P.s. I love my Mr. Commissioner. He told me I should write short stories from those nightmares I have and I don't know if he was pulling my leg but then he said "I'm just trying to get something positive out of your bad dreams." I don't think I've ever heard(see) the word positive come out of his mouth. It was so not him. He calls himself a realist. I call realist non-dreamers and negative nancys. So when he said that, I had the biggest smile on my face and an unsettling but good feeling. So maybe I will write stories out of these creepy dreams...creep you guys out too.

Spoke to Velveeta about my dream and she gave me this whole interpretation of it and I can almost see everything she said make sense. I need to start my journey. I can feel her getting wiser and more understanding. She is definitely on to something.

Another weird thing today, I keep thinking that I'm hearing that Ellie Goulding song, you know, the one in that Beats commercial..."I know its gonna be, I know its gonna be...alright."  strange. Sign? I hope so

Anywho...I wish I could snap out of this tiny funk. 

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