Thursday, October 18, 2012

I'm a selfish woman and I'm trying to fix that. I keep thinking about all the problems I have and what my family is going through. This morning though, while ordering my breakfast, I looked up and watched the Hispanic worker standing in front of this huge open oven, which I'm sure was burning his back, just making bread. I thought how maybe he didn't have a choice because he's supporting his three kids back home, trying to give them a life he always dreamed of having. I sent him a little prayer. So many people around me remind me of my family and how their struggles are pretty much alike  my family's struggles.

There is a busser in the morning that I just simply adore, he reminds me of my dad but this man is much older than him. He man is such a sweet quiet old man. I swear he is probably like 60. Hard worker nonetheless, like I said, reminds me of my dad. I wish I could give him all of my money sometimes, bc I know he is supporting his family just like my dad tries to do.

I sometimes hear how some people grow up with their parents giving them everything and I am so shocked. Not jealous bc who am I to decide who gets to live a life carefree and having everything paid for them. Good for them. I hope they continue to be blessed because I would never wish anyone to go through hardships. I'm not saying I am going through one bc thankfully my sister is working, my mom works, we have a roof over our head and we never go hungry. We even have enough to be able to maintain two dogs.

I know people have it worse than I. That is why I know I should stop stressing so hard. I will be fine. I just hope that people around me are going to be fine as well.

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