Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Today, I felt so much hate. I felt pain.

This past few days I've been tweeting messages to people indirectly. Bad ones. I do not care. I felt that way and I don't care.

Yesterday, I saw a service dog and I almost teared up. Such an innocent and pure mind. Ever loyal to its owner, leading them away from danger as their happiness has been stripped away possibly forever...but maybe not, maybe it brings them happiness to see their owners well. Maybe they are truly the only unselfish souls in this world.

This weekend I saw first hand how people are so careless. Words are thrown around as if they had no worldly meaning behind them.

Tonight, I feel love and somewhat peace. Writing to him makes nights easier. When the words that my heart spew out and are finally put down somewhere where he can see them, it makes everything easier.

Tomorrow is another day.

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