Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Why do people...

Sweat the small stuff? :( Like I told you earlier that I have been reading this sad blog and it's about a mother who lost her 4 year old to cancer and just seems so lost and hurt without him. It's gut wrenching, it makes you mad, it made me cry, and shit like that only makes you realize how there are people out there that are having it worse than you and you should fucking appreciate your boring day.

And because of that blog, I've been putting so much thought into death and how short of a fucking time we have. Depressing, yah, I know. And today I just got reminded how people put their energy and thoughts on the most ridiculous things. It's high school. It's unnecessary drama. It's bullshit. (Ok, I know I've been know to cause a little drama myself (ask Iovan and mama) but I've recognized it, and I'm trying my best to put the petty shit to rest.) But why can't we use our energy and thinking into something productive, like trying to find a cure for cancer, stopping world hunger, saving earth by recycling more, and stopping the cast of jersey shore from world domination.

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