Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Love Actually

So its 12:30 a.m. and I can't go to sleep. I just finished watching Love Actually and I'm in tears. There is so much love that I can barely bare it.

I'm a romantic, always have been and I always will be.

P.s. I love my Iovan so much, that sometimes I feel like my heart might just explode. He gives me the strength when I most need it and he does not know. And tonight as I watched him napped, I was thinking how life would be hell if anything happened to him. God, please watch over this man, he carries my heart.

P.p.s. Daisy has a soaking tennis ball in her mouth ( don't know why its soaked, could be drool, water, or worst pee) and she wants me to throw it around the house. Know that its now 12:39 a.m. Crazy puppy.

Just woke up and I can say without a shadow of doubt that Daisy's farts are ten times more lethal than Duchess'. What the fuck am I feeding her?

Got cut this morning and I'm watching garbage on tv. I'm allowed to bc I'm in pain. Daisy is on my lap and Duchess is looking from the sidelines, as if she is no longer my favorite. Drama queen, wonder where she gets it from but I wonder if that is how she really feels.  I hope she knows that I only take her to the park and unleash her while I only walk daisy. I hope she knows she's still extra espeshal. (And when the fuck is that skunk smell gonna come out of her head? It's been like three months already since she got sprayed by a skunk.)

Day cut too short, on my way to work. Yay...................

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