Thursday, March 21, 2013

Mrs. Plascencia

I'm absolutely the happiest girl in the world. And no, you don't have to be married to be happy but I'm soaking up this beautiful sun and I'm excited about life. I keep taking one moment at a time and each time is better than the last one. Even before I married my best friend, I was happy. I have my health, my family, a job that lets me enjoy other things in life.

I can't say that I know what married life is for now because at the moment we are in search of our humble abode but I know it's gonna be amazing. I really wish people can keep their negative comments to themselves too. I don't want to hear "marriage is hard, I hope you know what you got yourself into." Or "I think marriage is a waste of time" I can't and won't even start thinking my life in such a negative way. I know I must be realistic but I cannot worry about bad things that haven't even happened (you have no idea how hard it was to type that last sentence because I don't even want to put those words out there). Marrying my husband (which I think the word husband is such an understatement for what I think about Iovan) is the best thing I've done in my life. Our love has created so many memorable moments and I'm so grateful. Whatever comes our way, I know that we will embrace it. I know that whatever is thrown our way good or good, it will only make us stronger and better. My husband, the love of my existence, my world, my heart is such an amazing man, I can only imagine that our life together as a family will be 15 million times amazing.

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