Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Did today just happen?

I thought waking up with two big butts (I do not lie) on my face would be the highlight of my day. Waking up late lounging around in my workout clothes like if I had any intention of working out was my idea of spending the afternoon. But I had a list of things to do: clean dishes, laundry, walk the dogs, errands, clean room (or attempt to). Running hours behind, I figure I could skip some but I crammed. I do not like procrastination but I master it. Dishes cleaned, boom. Laundry done, boom. Run with the dogs, boom boom. Clean room...meh. Errands not needed to be done, phew. I had asked my sister to run errands with me and she'd get free starbucks, but since errands were canceled, I figured I'd still take her out.

We walked and talked, mostly about absolutely nothing but still something, if you know what I mean. I love her. We sat at starbucks and shared a pastry. At that moment, I thought that would be the highlight of my day and I thought, "that's not so bad." Got to the house just in time and my dad asks me to pick up doo doo in the backyard and I said "yes, THIS is the highlight."

Boyfriend calls me to walk with me and Duchess to the park.....

this part is a moment I will always cherish, and I love, even thinking about it makes me want to cry, but I shake and I mentally slap myself and I tell myself "get it together, the man of your dreams wants to marry you. stop being a crybaby. THAT WAS THE FREAKING HIGHLIGHT OF YOUR LIFE"

Maybe one day, I will share that story, but for now, I'll just let you know that the boy did good. Oh, did he ever.

Telling my dad, well, not knowing how we would tell him except shove the ring at his face and hoping for the best. We did not plan that well but it still worked out till the dust settled after my sister had blown it up with the scream of the year. My dad is super happy, my mom is ecstatic, his mom never failing to show her happiness for us, and my sisters have roller coaster emotions.

Seriously this is them:
 "Yay, we have an extra room now!"...five seconds later..."I can't believe she is leaving...::uncontrollable sobs:" ....."What color should we paint her room."......"Don't talk about this anymore, I'm gonna start crying...::tears streaming down cheeks::"

So even though this happened today, I think I'm gonna keep all of my memories and tears for one more day and then release them tomorrow. So when you are reading this, this happened yesterday and today I would have been someone's fiance for one whole day. Fiance, ooh la la.

How am I ever gonna sleep tonight.

If I had to describe my emotions with a song, this would be the perfect song right now...

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