Monday, March 18, 2013

I do

Whirlwind of emotions, love is in the air and I'm soaking it all in. Of course, this has come as a surprise to everyone but I knew what direction my life was going in when I met Iovan. I knew that once we got engaged, we could have practically gotten married that same day but because of the law we need a marriage license first and that just puts a halt to everything.

I can't even begin to describe what happened all seems so cloudy, so dreamy, like at any moment I can wake up and not find that wedding band on my left hand and still have "Garcia" on Facebook, and you damn well know that it's not official until Facebook says it is. Lol. Stupid social media site.

So it's Monday now and I'm just now trying to let my feet touch the ground because I have been living on cloud nine since last Tuesday when I got engaged. Lol. I seriously could have said in my wedding day that I felt like I had just gotten engaged three days ago because I did. :) I can't even begin to recant what happened on Friday. I remember waking up to more heart shaped pancakes (oh, mother, lol). I don't even remember finishing my breakfast. So I went back to my room and sat on my bed to pray. I prayed for so much and I thanked Him for all the blessings I have been receiving. Butterflies settled down but then I needed to get in my dress and the butterflies came back but with friends.

So this is what I remember: taking the pins off my hair, squealing with my sisters, running late, my dad banging on the front door bc we were running late. My dear sweet friend Michu catching me while I'm running out the door to tell me how happy she is for me and that she wishes me so many good things. I appreciate her dearly. Then off to the courthouse we went. I needed to call my nerves so I put on my headphones and started to listen to some above and beyond (thank goodness for trance). We got there and honestly thought I was the only one getting married but there were so many people there. Love is in the air and random people were congratulating us. Thankful for them.

First person I saw was my sweet brother-in-law, who tells me "You can still run...", told you he was sweet. A crowd of people were by the door and there he was, looking just as happy and nervous as me. My heart flipped flopped and I knew this was it, this is were I needed to be. They had given us a number, which they were gonna call us with for our private ceremony. We were still waiting to be called but it was fine bc my sister-in-law and brother in-law hadn't arrived. I was happy, he was holding my hand and that was keeping me sane.

I figured by now I would be a big sobbing mess but I still hadn't processed it all. Finally, my cute sister-in-law had arrived with my beautiful bouquet, words cannot describe how thankful I was for her.

And that's when we heard "couple number 6...."

I was still intact, I was not crying, I was smiling and joyful. We were greeted by this sweet petite judge and we all exchanged pleasantries. We all went to our places and then she began, "Family and friends, we are gathered here today..."

That's when I lost it.

As tears were strolling down my cheek, choking on my vows, all I could remember was his face, and how throughout the whole ceremony I saw before my eyes we were transforming into one. We were promising to love and cherish each other for as long as we both shall live and then in a matter of minutes we became a family. It all became like a dream, it was one of the most beautiful moments I had ever had with him. I'm so thankful for everything. I was marrying my best friend, my lover, the future father of my children.

After that, the whole day was spent with my family, who are my EXTRA special people. Because you all know that everyone besides my family are special to me.

In all honesty, I wish I could have invited everyone but our wallets are just not in it. Having to share these moments with the people I love would have been what I wanted the most. But Iovan and I think it's better to have the smallest ceremony possible so that we can start our life together with no debt. Don't get me wrong, I love big weddings, but sometimes I just don't see the point of it when people with limited resources go all out, which in return stresses them out, leaves them broke, and only lasts not even a whole day. In the end, the wedding becomes more about other people having fun and the newlyweds are trying to make sure their uncles don't get really drunk and have to keep chasing a photographer so that they can capture a specific moment they want. I know I don't have to explain myself but I don't want anyone to think that I'm completely disregarding the rest of my extended family and close friends. I love you all and I hope you know that.

And for the one hundredth time, we are not pregnant. -_-

Just know that we, my husband and I, are extremely grateful for all your beautiful thoughts and congratulations. We hold them dear to our heart.

Love, Mrs. Plascencia.

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