Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rain rain go ....naw, you can stay. :)

So I just finished my first Anatomy Practical.

Piece of cake.

Mmmmm, cake. That reminds me, I have yet to eat. Yikes.

One of the things I love about taking the part where I get to get out of class early. Hehehe. Now, I am catching up on some reading and blog-surfing. I am in love with so many people out there that I don't even know. Their blogs are so refreshing to my mind and soul. I love a good cup of postitivity in the afternoon.

Lucky is no longer going to a shelter (oh yeah, we were gonna take Lucky to shelter because it's too aggressive and we really can't afford one) but my mom's big heart stood in the way of the cat and the door. ♥ Took him to the vet, vaccinated him, and cut off his manhood.

SIDE NOTE! Take your cat or dog to the vet and spay or neuter them. There are thousands of cats and dogs homeless in the world and we need to do our best to not make any of them suffer. So if you plan to add a pet to your family, ADOPT! :)

So on my little blog-surfing time...I saw this video and I LOVE IT!

Born This Way

I mean, the courage this kid has is insane. I love how he doesn't care what people think about him and just dances like no one is watching. It's sad how society makes us think that what he is doing is crazy, why is it crazy? Because he's dancing in public, in a store? So you are telling me that it's only acceptable if it's in a dance floor, club, stage? Why? Why can't we just dance wherever the hell we want. Look at how people look at him? Sure they must be thinking "oh my goodness, what is wrong with him?" "loser" "Weirdo" when in fact they are really thinking "I wish I could do that" "My hero" "I'm the loser for not dancing".

Dear Santa, I want courage and self-confidence for Christmas.

Quote of the day♥

"Do you think I'm wonderful? she asked him one day as they leaned against the trunk of a petrified maple. No, he said. Why? Because so many girls are wonderful. I imagine hundreds of men have called their loves wonderful today, and it's only noon. You couldn't be something that hundreds of others are."

-- Jonathan Safran Foer, Everything is Illuminated

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