Sunday, October 16, 2011

I think I've hit backspace about ten thousand times and I'm finally just letting whatever I feel come out in this keyboard..

October started bad and if it wasn't something it was another thing.

You know, I started this blog because I wanted to make a difference in this world...or maybe just one person, that one person being me. I think my mind clears up when I write. I let it all out and then I realize that I'm actually sane and I'm going to get to LIVE. I wanted, correction, WANT this blog to be nothing but a positive input of life. I want everyone to know that no matter how many problems, obstacles, and challenges, we are all going to be alright. And if you want to know the secrets of actually living your life, well, I think i've made it clear that LOVE is one of them. I've yet to discover the others...and maybe there aren't any others. Maybe it is just LOVE. But i'm only 24, what do I know right? :)

So even though this month started on the wrong foot. I still made an effort to see the bigger picture, and in this bigger picture of mine, it included the smallest of things.

Like this weekend. It was quiet but possibly one of the best and earlier this night, while on our way back to my house my boyfriend says "Well, it was a good weekend right?" I said, "Yeah, it was good" when I should have looked into his eyes and said "I LOVED this weekend."'s the simple things this man does that makes my heart flutter.

I love it when he touches the small of my back. He has no ideas the electrical waves that run through my body.

I love it when he starts to walk but he takes out his hand behind his back and waiting for my hand to reconnect with his.

We were watching a movie and he lays his head on my lap. I felt like Jim Halpert when Pam laid her head on his shoulder during an office meeting. (I'm a fucking geek)

I love it when he knows he did something wrong, so he bear hugs me and doesn't let me go even though I'm struggling to not fall in his trap.

I love it that when we come together to do's the best thing ever. (We make the best apple pies in the world. Just saying)

I love it that he does stuff for me when I don't even ask for his help. He does it. He just does it.

You're my best friend, a pal, and a confidante. (hahaha, just quoted Golden Girls theme song)

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