Monday, October 17, 2011

I don't have a car. I'm twenty-four and I don't own a car. And oddly, I'm ok with that. Well, from May till November I'm ok with that. Anything before or after that, my extremities hate me. Hahaha.

But I'm truly ok with not having a car because I've walked so much that it's kept me healthy and I find myself seeing things that I probably would have missed if I had a car.

If I had a car, I don't think I would have noticed the little kid holding on to his mom's hand while kicking every leaf that came his way.

If I had a car, I would have missed the flower that pushed through the sidewalk cracks like it was some kind of hero.

If I had a car, I don't think I would have seen how many people actually take the time to sit in their gardens, appreciating the weather while completing a crossword puzzle while their dog laid by their feet.

I got a B on my Anatomy Exam and I'm excited, you would be too if you only studied three hours before. Mehehehe...

I want to do something special for my sister Belen, she does so much for me. Ideas?

Halloween is coming up and candy is everywhere. Remember, if you are craving that kit kat it. You are gonna regret it if seconds later someone told you that YOU CAN NEVER HAVE CHOCOLATE EVER AGAIN!

Lessons I'm learning: Never leave anything for a "special day". Who knows what will happen in a matter of seconds, minutes, hours, days. I'm not saying to be paranoid. Just try your best to do something you love to do at least once a day. P.S. Say "I love you" as much as you can. Don't get into silly fights with your best friend. And send a little prayer to everyone and yourself.


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