Monday, January 14, 2013

Ultimately, my life has kept a quiet heartline, so far no ups or's stagnant. I want to break from these chains that keep me wrapped up like a mouse in a mouse trap. Firstly, I want to get rid of some people in my life, but some of them have ties with those really close to me and I don't know how to kindly cut those ties without it affecting the other person. I don't know how long I can keep this facade....I wish I could keep them in my life, but they've done enough damage. Someone bring me back my Julia Magoo...she knew what to say, now she is so far away.

Today, I loved not having to work, I slept in, and I got to walk my girls.

Today, I loved being in bed for just forty minutes laying on his tummy and watching garbage shows and laughing.

Today, I loved that I sort of worked out and had too much fun doing it.

Today, I loved watching every single time my Mr. Commissioner laughing. His smile is everything.

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