Wednesday, January 23, 2013

P.S. Stop being a Cherophobian

Another cold day here in the chicagoland area and all I got to do was watch Meet Joe Black (has become one of my faves movies) and finished watching the last half of You've Got Mail....(I do that, I leave shit halfway bc I get bored or have stuff to do and then whenever I have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do, then maybe I'll watch it)

But as I was seating down like the biggest couch potato of my life I decided that I needed to start my workout routine again. I felt pudgy around the waist and honestly when I decided to walk up the stairs instead of the escalators this morning, I was out of breath. So it is 9 p.m. and I was mentally preparing myself, hyping myself up, encouraging to stop being lazy and at 11, I finally got up and changed and found myself back on the couch checking an email Pokemon Master sent me and I fell back into comfortableness. Meh.

I do that and really, who doesn't? Finding the tiniest excuse to not get up and start sweating and hurting yourself on purpose...because that is what workouts mean. Killing yourself to feel better about oneself.

Biggest OXYMORON if you ever ask me. :)

So I sat down to do my first sit up, I really felt like this...

This is gonna be a really long winter.

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